

Daughter's Digital Drawings

July 08, 2018 EST | 成长故事 (Growing Story)

My daughter started CS major in her sophomore year and will be a junior student next year. She got her first commissioned drawing task by partnering with a professional she met at the Senior Exhibition before her high school graduation....

Daughter's New Digital Drawings

January 07, 2017 EST | 成长故事 (Growing Story)

It's my daughter's first year in college. Though doing well academically in science, it's been finally proven drawing is part her life that she can't live without. She has surprising thoughts/dreams/plans that may never realize, but she continues to draw,...

French Film: La Semaine (Lexington High School 2016 French Film Class Project)

May 31, 2016 EST | 成长故事 (Growing Story)

This is the final project for the senior students of the French film class in Lexington High School of Massachusetts in 2016. There were total of 10 films shown during the class's French Film Festival. This film, made by my...

Daughter's College Portfolio (女儿申请大学的画集)

March 31, 2016 EST | 成长故事 (Growing Story)

女儿今年就要升大学了。原本艺术是她的最爱,但因对科学也有一定的热情,又基于各种现实的考虑,最后只选择了两所纯艺术院校,Pratt Institute 和 RISD,均被录取。Here I'd like to show all the pieces she used to apply to the schools, hope this can be helpful for some parents if their kids are considering quality art schools. 除了初中期间有两年的时间每两个星期上一次彩色铅笔素描的大课(5-6个孩子)以外,女儿从未受过任何专业训练和指导。这几年开始自学Photoshop, 她的digital drawing skill这两年提高很多,但因没有时间,所以不得不采用了以前的她如今已经看不上眼的旧作品。 1. TipToe...

Daughter's Winning Piano Pieces - Happy B-Day!

August 20, 2015 EST | 成长故事 (Growing Story)

Today is my daughter Xuan Chau's 17th birthday, and I have picked a few of her past winning piano pieces to share with everyone to celebrate her 17th birthday. 这里挑选的,是女儿曾经获得过奖项的钢琴曲目。女儿是个懂事的孩子,聪明美丽,从小就懂得疼妈妈。感谢上苍给了我这样一个好女儿。祝宝贝女儿生日快乐! Chopin Scherzo No. 3 Op 39 (Weill Recital Hall of...

Daughter's Award Winning Drawings

September 07, 2014 EST | 成长故事 (Growing Story)

Early this year, my daughter's 9th grade art teacher decided to submit her two school art works to some kind of contest. I had no idea what it was other than knowing it was a serious contest, until one day...

Daughter's Performance at Carnegie Hall Last Year

May 29, 2013 EST | 成长故事 (Growing Story)

My daughter Xuan Chau (邹璇) participated in the Rising Talents Festival by MusicFest.com last year. She won the Grand Prix and had the opportunity to perform at Weill Recital Hall at Carnegie Hall in March, 2012. (Please visit Xuan Chau's...


April 25, 2013 EST | 成长故事 (Growing Story)

前些天看到有新生的白发,唏嘘着让女儿过来给我拔掉。 女儿仔细地拨弄着寻找,尽可能把能看到的都拔掉。在寻找的过程中,有少数几根黑白相间的。女儿就说,看来变白的头发还可以逆转,如果我的压力能减轻的话。还问我最近几点钟睡觉,责怪说我睡得太晚了。 过了一会儿到了休息的时间,我去了自己的房间。意外地,我看到床头边的桌子上放的墙上贴着一张纸,上面写了两句话,还画了一根黑白相间的头发。...


January 31, 2013 EST | 成长故事 (Growing Story)

2010年7月,女儿11岁 有一天去了 Canobie Lake Park。好多人哦,每个成人的ride都要排很长的队 排队的时候,女儿闲得没事干,抓着我的胳膊摸来摸去 我说:“你摸乎啥呀?” 女儿一边继续摸一边慢条斯理地用比较生硬的中文说:“你的皮肤很嫩” 嘿嘿,这话爱听 紧接着又问:“Is it supposed to be a compliment?" 我说:“当然啦!” 女儿:“哦”,然后继续饶有兴味地感觉我的嫩...


December 22, 2012 EST | 成长故事 (Growing Story)

女儿天生就特别喜欢画画儿,而且观察力很强。四岁的时候在preschool老师就说很少见到孩子在这个年龄画画的时候留意到那么多的细节。女儿画画时可以忘记一切,几个小时不停地画。 自不到11岁起,女儿就特别专注于画龙 - 自己脑袋里想象出来的龙。虽然谈不上技巧,但龙的神态可以说是amazing,细节方面也不厌其烦下很多功夫,而且越画越逼“真”,神态多样不单一。因为常常被人夸,那两年特别上瘾,画了一些很不错的。今天选几幅给大家观赏。...

Daughter Wins 1st Place in 2012 Marine Art Contest

June 04, 2012 EST | 成长故事 (Growing Story)

For the very first time, my daughter Xuan Chau entered the 2012 Marine Art Contest by Stellwagen Bank, and won the first place in the middle school age group. Although this isn't such a big event, I am very proud...

Son Looks Like Obama?

May 29, 2012 EST | 成长故事 (Growing Story)

有一位朋友总爱在我面前夸儿子长得“迷人”。这倒是很可心的一个赞美,也明白为什么她会如此认为,因为儿子碰巧属于“心疼”型的孩子。 前些天带着儿子去这位朋友家,一进门儿,就问我:“有没有人说过你儿子长得像奥巴马?” 我听了一头雾水,说没有啊。我当时想,这哪儿跟哪儿啊!悄悄。。。地透露:本人不喜欢奥巴马哦。 可人家就说长得像,而且还把他父亲叫来问,结果从未见过我儿子的那位父亲也频频点头,非常认真地感叹说:“是,是,确实长得像”。...

Mother's Day Surprise (催人泪下的小惊喜)

May 13, 2012 EST | 成长故事 (Growing Story)

Even though sometimes I appear to be mean and not enough of loving, even though at times I feel very unhappy, even though I do not always fear spiders and I dare to catch caterpillars...Unexpectedly, my son put his unique...