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Daughter's Performance at Carnegie Hall Last Year

May 29, 2013 10:11:12 AM EST | 成长故事 (Growing Story) | Email to Friend(发邮件给朋友)

My daughter Xuan Chau (邹璇) participated in the Rising Talents Festival by MusicFest.com last year. She won the Grand Prix and had the opportunity to perform at Weill Recital Hall at Carnegie Hall in March, 2012.

(Please visit Xuan Chau's youtube channel or Xuan Chau's youku channel for more of her videos)

The piece she played was Chopin's Scherzo No. 3 Op 39.

Here is the performance at Carnegie Hall:

First time to play at such a prestigious place, needless to say she was nervous, having to wait until almost the end to have her turn made it even worse. There were about 24 players/groups, she was the second to the last. She made mistakes, but a better interpretation compare to her audition version (youku link)in which she did not make a single mistake.

She went to Carnegie Hall again beginning of this month. I will post the play once I have the video ready.

Thanks for watching.

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