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Daughter's College Portfolio (女儿申请大学的画集)

March 31, 2016 11:10:52 PM EST | 成长故事 (Growing Story) | Email to Friend(发邮件给朋友)

女儿今年就要升大学了。原本艺术是她的最爱,但因对科学也有一定的热情,又基于各种现实的考虑,最后只选择了两所纯艺术院校,Pratt Institute 和 RISD,均被录取。Here I'd like to show all the pieces she used to apply to the schools, hope this can be helpful for some parents if their kids are considering quality art schools.

除了初中期间有两年的时间每两个星期上一次彩色铅笔素描的大课(5-6个孩子)以外,女儿从未受过任何专业训练和指导。这几年开始自学Photoshop, 她的digital drawing skill这两年提高很多,但因没有时间,所以不得不采用了以前的她如今已经看不上眼的旧作品。

1. TipToe - Graphite, 9th grade school work, a gold medal (金奖) piece in 2014 Scholastic Art and Writing Award
Xuan Chau's college portfolio

2. Intelligent Gold - Digital, 2013
Xuan Chau's college portfolio

3. Landscape - Digital, 2013 (She has improved a lot since)
Xuan Chau's college portfolio

4. Baker - Ink (墨水), 2016
Xuan Chau's college portfolio

5. The Chaser - Comic, combination of ink pen, bristol and digital, 2015 - 2016
Xuan Chau's college portfolio

Xuan Chau's college portfolio

6. Pigs in Space - Acrylic (丙烯画), 2015
Xuan Chau's college portfolio

7. Herbules - Oil painting (油画), 2015 - 2016
Xuan Chau's college portfolio

8. Self Portrait - Brush (毛笔), 大笔直接画,不打底稿,2015
Xuan Chau's college portfolio

10. Bike - Graphite, 2015
Xuan Chau's college portfolio

11. Still Life (portion, 局部)- Graphite, 2015
Xuan Chau's college portfolio

12. Still Life - Water color (水彩), 2016
Xuan Chau's college portfolio

13. Random Drawing (未完成, unfinished) - Oil (油画), partially drawn blind folded (有一部分是蒙着眼睛画的), 2016
Xuan Chau's college portfolio

14. Julian - Digital, 2015 (有意识夸张的人体)
Xuan Chau's college portfolio

15. Random Sketches - Digital, 2014
Xuan Chau's college portfolio

16. Sketchbook (自学,探索如何画人体, self-taught)
Xuan Chau's college portfolio

Xuan Chau's college portfolio

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