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恋人たちの神話 (Myth of Lovers)

January 24, 2009 10:20:25 PM EST | Recordings , 日文歌曲 (Japanese Songs) | Email to Friend(发邮件给朋友)

Direct youtube link: 恋人たちの神話

Listen on youku.com: 恋人たちの神話

When children in bed ride on the ark in their dream
the time flow puts away only (clothes of) sadness.
And by tomorrow, they change their clothes......but...
If I will be reborn and have a different life
I would try to be a bird flying freely in the blue sky...but...
Even though I've been loved, I've been hurt, and cried to the point of wanting to die.
It is enough reason that I was only given (birth) in this world.
To be fated with tears......There exists even such a kind of life.

When the soft sunlight of dawn shines onto the glass window
In the time flow, I would wake up and prepare for my little future...but...
If meeting by chance and then parting is the destiny of human
I can only leave in the past the times (memories) as beautiful like a flower
I have been loved, I have been hurt, and I have cried even to the point of wanting to die.
My heart and body cannot be cut apart (separated), but.....
I will give up yesterday (my past). There exists even such a kind of life.

It is enough reason that I was only given (birth) in this world.
To be fated with tears......There exists even such a kind of life.

*All the songs are recorded at home with minimal setup

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