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Birthday Cards

June 24, 2014 11:41:52 AM EST | Beauty of Life (生活点滴) | Email to Friend(发邮件给朋友)

I've collected two birthday cards I bought few days apart

When I stop to remember my favorite people
I start remembering you
You have been a very special blessing in my life
Whenever I think of things that make me so happy and mean the most
I always think of you

陈玉泉 Sabrina Yuquan Chen birthday

Birthday after birthday
year after year
we live and we laugh and we grow
We savor our joys
learn from our mistakes
let life's little setbacks all go

Birthday after birthday
we are grateful for memories we've made
and for goals that we've met
And the journey of life
is that every new year
holds the hope it will be our best yet

Hoping your birthday
finds you happy
and life is good to you
today and always

陈玉泉 Sabrina Yuquan Chen birthday
陈玉泉 Sabrina Yuquan Chen birthday

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